Monday, 28 June 2010

Movie Reviews written by students of Adults 5

Hello everybody,

Florencia's students of Adults 5A have written movie reviews and they want to share them with you. Click on the names to read their works.

Mercedes and Gustavo

Congratulations to Florencia, Fabia, Regina, Matías,
Ana María, Mercedes and Gustavo 
for having explored Google Docs!

ACTIVITY 1 - Read your classmates' movie reviews and make comments on them giving your opinion which is expected to help them to improve their work. Take into consideration what follows:

1- Layout: Is the document properly presented: Is the article divided into paragraphs? does it include illustrating images?
2- Are there any spelling errors?
3- Vocabulary: Is it varied or not?
4- Readability: Are the articles easy to read or not? 

Michael Jackson, the king of the pop music, died last year. Visit this Adults 5 2009 blog and do the activities:

Deadline July 30th 
Here is Fabia's work about Michael Jackson. 
Well done, Fabia!


  1. Hi Nelba,
    I´m Daniel from Adults 5c
    We´ve just listened to a song called `When I´m 64' by The Beatles.
    Before I´m 64 I´m likely to have my own company. And when I´m 64 I might be retired and after I may well travel around the world.
    Good bye!

  2. Hi, Nelba. I´m Ana María, from Adults 5A, and I´ve written one of the reviews with Matías. I´ve just readen the other reviews. I think the both are easy to read, with a varied vocabulary and separeted paragraphs. Perhaps Fabia and Regina could include an illustrating image to make it more interesting.
    But after reading the reviews, I now want to see the films!
    Ana María
    Adults 5 A

  3. Hi, Nelba.
    I´ve done the activities about Michael Jackson. I don´t like his music and all about his person, but I believe that he was a real innovator in music and video´s world. He had a fantastic rythm and dance style. That talent and his mysterious and extravagant life are going to make him a real myth after his death.
    Ana María
    Adults 5 A

  4. Hi Nelba,
    After reading my mates' reviews I can't deny my congratulations to them. I couldn´t find any spelling errors...completes with images,varied and easy to read. (I owe to explain that we put images with Regina, in our review, but, and I don´t know why, maybe in order to accelerate the corrections, we removed them).
    I did the activities of Michael Jackson and let me say that I like to hear one or two of his songs but no more...I can't separate the human being from the singer that and I'm absolutely dissapointing. I agree with a comment that reflects my thoughts: Jackson "starts out a phenomenally old soul at 10 years old -- so mature -- and he ends up like a little boy -- a kid," said Cobb.
    Fabia, 5 A

  5. Hi Nelba,
    I saw the film "500 days of Summer" and I read the review published by Fabia and Regina. This is an excelent review about the film. I enjoyed this movie and I want to say that this movie has a very good soundtrack too.
    Adults 5B

  6. Hi Nelba,
    I think that all the reviews are great! I can see they have worked really hard. The film`s information is very good. I didn´t see any speeling mistakes and the texts are very well organized in separated paragraphs and they respect the structure of these kind of reviews. After reading them I`d like to see the films that I haven´t because they seem to be great!
    Good work!
    Sebastian, 5 B.

  7. Hi Nelba and classmates,
    I'm really impressed by your work. I read all the reviews and they are great!!! I think your writing is very clear, you used a lot of vocabulary and the text was wery well organized. I saw two of three this films, but it's a good explanation for those who haven't seen them yet. I prefer true stories, so I liked Invictus very much, and I'm interesting in the German film.

    Franco Boschero
    Adults 5B

  8. Hello Nelba,
    When I was child, I and my brothers listened to Michael JacKson's music. Everybody wanted to dance as him included us, of course. I remember that he was a "robotic" man and his music was exotic. When I grow up I realized that he didn't like me.
    I think his life was sad and I feel that he never could be happy. Unfortunatly he dead alone and sadly.
    Regina 5A

  9. Hi Nelba,

    I've read the reviews of my classmates and i'm very satisfy for all!. In some cases there are videos and in others there's not, but the important message of the reviws were done. I didn't see any mistake in all the presentations, the articles are easy to read (it's important).
    Well, i'm going to do the activity 2

    See you soon!!

    Gustavo Marder
    Adults 5A

  10. What makes someone like Michael Jackson a superstar and what deeper role did he play in our society?

    Hi Nelba,
    Really i don't like the Por music, so Mickel Jackson is not the exception, but i recognise that he was one of the famous musician in the world, mostly in the nineties. It'was so popular and even nowadays many bands has their influece.

    Gustavo Marder
    Adults 5A

  11. Hi Nelba, i'm here again. I sent you the writting "Michael Jackson's life" by e-mail.


    Gustavo Marder
    Adults 5A
